I struggled with the 4th grade. I didn't like my teacher and didn't like my class very much. I had been on the C track up until that point and then in 4th grade we switched me to the A track so I never got to be off-track with my friends and for the first time wasn't in the same class with them. Eventually I made new friends and things turned out okay, but the first half was pretty rough. I skipped school as often as I could. I would just leave a note on the teachers desk that said, "My sister needed me to babysit so I am leaving. See you tomorrow." Then I would go home and hide in the snow fort or the tree house until it was time to come home.
One day I must have been feeling especially rebellious. They had made an announcement on the intercom that someone had toilet papered the bathrooms in the public bathrooms at Rotary park just next door to the school. I thought that was a pretty good idea.
That day at lunch I went inside to use the bathroom. At that time you had to wait in line and the hall monitor would only allow one person at a time into the bathroom to minimize playing around. I went in and used the bathroom and then I went wild on the bathroom stall I was in. I strung toilet paper across the top, made spit wads and threw them at the door and filled the toilet tank with as much toilet paper as I could. Once I was satisfied with my work I went out the hall monitor and in my best tattle-tail voice said, "Somebody toilet papered the bathroom in there real bad!" That hall monitor sprang up out of her chair with a gasp and ran toward the bathroom and I just marched back out to the playground. I was never suspected and I never got in trouble.
First of all, I can't believe you didn't like Mrs. Dyer-ria. Second of all, moving to A track was an upgrade (from C? Come on!). And third, the toilet papering...now that's hilarious!!!!!!
Bravo, Tia. Bravo. 4th grade was when I met you and realized how absolutely cool you are.
Brilliant! Genius! I totally underestimated your conniving abilities! I can't believe you could boldly lie to an adult after your heinous mischief! Bravo! Encore!
So Funny!
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