Thursday, November 27, 2008

Kentucky Fried Chicken: By Cody

I remember well the day that Trina brought home a big bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken from her work. She put the bucket on the table and told everyone that they could eat it until it was gone. I was very excited about the chicken because our family rarely had the money for such a special treat. I ate one piece of chicken and decided that it was so good that I needed to save some more for later. I then dipped my hand into the bucket of chicken and pulled out two more big pieces. I wrapped each piece of chicken in a napkin and then began to ponder. I thought to myself, “I better hide this chicken because if I put it in the refrigerator, someone else will eat it.” With that thought, I decided that the best place for the chicken was the bottom of my dresser drawer. So, I put the chicken in my dresser and there it sat for a couple of days. You see, I was saving the chicken for a special occasion. So on the third day, I was playing with Josh Smith. He was being nice, so I decided that it was time to share my prize. I opened my dresser drawer and then gave Josh one of the two pieces of chicken. Even though the chicken was room temperature, it still tasted great to me. As Josh and I enjoyed our chicken, we decided to walk outside. As we were walking through the front yard, mom saw us and asked what we were eating. I proudly told her that I had saved some of the chicken that Trina had brought home. With a perplexed look, mom said, “That chicken was gone days ago. Where did your chicken come from?” I then explained how I had saved my prize for a special time. Mom looked shocked and said, “You should not eat old chicken; particularly, old chicken that has not been refrigerated for several days. I really hope that you don’t get sick. If I were you, I wouldn’t take another bite. In fact, I would throw the rest of your chicken away.” Josh looked at me with a worried look, and we both walked over to the garbage area and threw our chicken away. Even though I was young, I felt really embarrassed, when Josh decided that he had better go home and tell his mom what happened. Luckily, I never did get sick, but I learned my lesson well. I am now quick to throw out any old chicken, and I never keep any in my dresser drawer.

1 comment:

I like hike said...

Yes Cody, for some reason this story has been passed down in the Smith household lore. Cody keeping chicken in his dresser drawer!