Monday, November 3, 2008

Tree climber - By Wade

My dad called me last week to come help him fix his play house that has been in his yard for the last 20 years. My legally blind dad decided to cut down a 60" pine tree out of his back yard. So he put his 8' little giant ladder up against the tree to get to the lowest branch. He scaled the tree holding a chain saw in one hand and climbing with the other. He started at the top and worked his way down. He tells me after the fact that the chainsaw blade would only stay on track for about 2 branches and then would come off so he would have to climb back down the 60' tree and replace the blade onto the tracks. He cut off all the branches and decided he could cut down the trunk with this same chainsaw. He cut the trunk and the tree fell right through the middle of the 20 year old play house. His question to me, "can you fix it?" So to sum up this story: a blind man climbs up and down a 60" pine tree 50 times with a chainsaw in his hand...weird!

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