Saturday, November 22, 2008

Riding the Bus - by Tia

Whenever we got our meager paycheck from doing the paper route we'd pay tithing, put at least 10% in savings and then we could spend the rest (which was about $8). Our favorite thing to do was to go to the Mall and walk around. We would invite Melanie Walker, Becca Smith and Sarah Chamberlain to come with us. We always did the exact same things: buy a sucker at See's, ice cream cone at a burger joint and then ride the escalators and elevators throughout the Mall. There was a time when we'd have to spend time at Kaybee Toy Store so Beth could buy the New Kids on the Block trading cards that had bubble gum. We would wander around for what seemed like hours and we always ended up spending the rest of our money on the photo booth at Walgreen's and penny candy they had while we waited for our ride there. We'd try to beg for rides to and from the Mall, and usually we could get one. One time we weren't able to get a ride home so we decided we would take the bus. We went out and asked the bus driver which bus to get on and found one that sounded right. The first bus took us clear down to where the Provo Mall is now and I was so scared because to me, it felt like we were so far from home. The bus driver told us a bus number to get on that would take us back up north and so we took it. The second bus dropped us off at UVSC and we had to walk home because we had to do our paper route by a certain time and the next bus wasn't going to come in time - I think it took us 45 minutes to walk home.

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